
viernes, 25 de junio de 2021

tarjeta "Ocean" para Conie Fong/ "Ocean" card for Conie Fong

 Hola a todos:
Hello everyone:

Hoy quería mostraros mi segundo trabajo de inspiración para este mes de junio para el equipo de diseño de Conie Fong.
I´m here today to show  you my latest inspirational project as a DT for Conie Fong

En esta ocasión se trata de una sencilla tarjeta con una preciosa pequeña sirenita, un sello llamado "flores en la playa" y que podéis encontrar AQUÍ.
This time is a simple card with a beautiful little mermaid, a stamp called "Flowers on the beach" that can be found HERE

Tanto la imagen como el fondo están coloreados con rotuladores Copic, además, la cola de la sirenita y el suave océano llevan toques de boli de gel blanco.
Both the image and the background are colored with Copic markers and some touches (tail and ocean) of white gel pen.

Una vez terminada la imagen, recorté con forma de cuadrado el panel y lo monté encima de una cartulina texturizada rosa algo más grande.
Después utilicé papel de acuarela de alto gramaje para hacer la base de la tarjeta (me encanta hacerlas con este papel por su tacto y calidad).
Once I finished with the image, I cut the panel as a square and placed it on top of a pink texture cardstock a litte bigger.
Then, I used heavy weight watercolour paper for the base (I love using this paper as a base for my cards).

Encima de la base coloqué la misma cartulina rosa que en el panel y encima de ésta un papel de scrapbooking con suaves   tonalidades azules y verdes, acorde con la imagen.
On top of the base I used the same pink cardstock and on top of this one a decorated paper with soft colours matching the image.

Antes de colocar el panel, utilicé la misma cartulina rosa para hacer una franja a la que di relieve con una carpeta de embossing con forma de ondas.
Before I placed the panel I used another piece of pink cardstock to make a stripe with waves made with an embossing folder.

Encima coloqué el panel con cuadrados de foam autoadhesivos y después realicé el sentimiento ("El océano hace cantar a su corazón") con un sello de las Doll de Prima y polvos de embossing dorado (también está montado sobre la cartulina rosa y pegado a la tarjeta por medio de los cuadraditos de foam)
I glued the panel with the base with some little autoadhesive foam square, same I did with the Sentiment (the ocean makes her heart sing) from a Prima Markerting Doll stamp and some golden embossing powder.

Y eso sería todo, sólo me queda daros las gracias por vuestras visitas y vuestros comentarios y presentarme a algún que otro reto:
And that would be all for today, thank you so much for your visits and comments, they are really appreciated.

10 comentarios:

  1. Adorable image, love your colouring. thanks for joining TTCRD challenge. Anesha

  2. Gorgeous Nelida! Thank you for sharing with us over here at The Fairy and the Unicorn Challenge and best of luck with your entry. Love to see you join in each month. Thank you.
    Gale DT for

  3. Congratulations, you were selected as a Top Rocker for Week 3 at 613 Avenue Create! Please stop by our blog and grab your badge! Thanks so much for sharing your awesome project with us!


    1. Thank you so much for letting me know, Chana! So glad to be chosen as one of the Top Rocker

  4. So sweet image and super coloring. Thanks for playing with us at Colour Crazy.

  5. I am very glad you joined us this week at Lil Patch of Crafty Friends Challenge Blog. I hope you had a fantastic time!!! See you back very soon to play in another amazing challenge. :)


    Lil Patch of Crafty Friends Design Team Member

  6. Beautiful card. Lovely colouring. Thank you for joining us at 613 Avenue Create this week. Hope to see you beautiful art work back here again soon. Judy DT

  7. Wonderful colouring and a super, sweet card sweetheart!
    So glad you have shared this with us at 613 Avenue Create.
    Please come back again!
    The best of luck with your entry.
    Stay safe and well.
    Jackie, DT member at 613 xx
